JUMP TONorman APIAccounting AutomationList of bank accountsgetCreate a new bank accountpostList of accountsgetAI Detect CategorypostList of assetsgetRetrieve a direct accountgetCreate a new assetpostUpdate a direct accountputRetrieve a direct assetgetPartial update a direct accountpatchUpdate a direct assetputRemove a direct accountdeletePartial update a direct assetpatchSync a direct accountpostRemove a direct assetdeleteRetrieve a direct bank accountgetList of transactionsgetRemove a direct bank accountdeleteCreate a manual transactionpostReconnect a direct bank accountpostRetrieve a transactiongetList of transaction categories used in the productgetUpdate the transactionputList of institutionsgetPartial update the transactionpatchRemove a transactiondeleteList of transactionsgetAI Receipt/Invoice ReconciliationpostUnlink the transaction from all invoices or receiptspostCreate a manual transactionpostUnverify (unfinalize) the transactionpostRetrieve a transactiongetVerify (finalize) the transactionpostUpdate the transactionputComplex transaction filteringpostPartial update the transactionpatchCount unverified transactionsgetRemove a transactiondeleteUpload transactions from CSVpostUnlink the transaction from all invoices or receiptspostList of attachmentsgetUnverify (unfinalize) the transactionpostCreate a new attachmentpostVerify (finalize) the transactionpostRetrieve a direct attachmentgetComplex transaction filteringpostUpdate a direct attachmentputCount unverified transactionsgetPartial update a direct attachmentpatchUpload transactions from CSVpostRemove a direct attachmentdeleteLink a transaction to the attachmentpostUpdate transactions for a companypostAccounts receivable: E-invoicing, Client CRM, etc.List of clients for the companygetCreate a clientpostRetrieve a clientgetUpdate the clientputPartial update the clientpatchRemove the clientdeleteList of invoices of the companygetCreate a new invoicepostRetrieve a direct invoice of the companygetUpdate a direct invoiceputPartial update a direct invoicepatchRemove a direct invoice of the companydeleteLink transaction with the invoicepostSend the invoice to the clientpostSend the invoice to the clientpostSuggest transaction for the invoicegetUnlink the transaction with the invoicepostReceive a generated einvoice for the invoicegetTo get the next invoice number for the invoicegetUpload a contract for a company to create an invoice from itpostOptions, useful additional methods and other endpointsOptionsRetrieve list of bank account statusesgetRetrieve available account typesgetRetrieve activity typesgetRetrieve list of income taxation methods.getRetrieve list of civil statusesgetRetrieve list of currencies supported in invoicing.getRetrieve list of gendersgetRetrieve list of income taxation methods.getRetrieve list of professions founding articles.getRetrieve list of profit detection options.getRetrieve list of religionsgetRetrieve list of reporting frequency optionsgetRetrieve list of sale types optionsgetRetrieve list of tax confidence optionsgetRetrieve list of tax statesgetRetrieve list of tax typesgetRetrieve list of VAT rate optionsgetRetrieve list of VAT filing typesgetProfessionsRetrieve a professiongetRetrieve a professiongetToolkitsCheck if reverse charge applies to a client.postCheck Tax NumberpostConvert CurrencypostGet Trade Tax RatepostInstitution API: Auth, User & Companies ManagementRetrieve a list of users for the current institutiongetCreate a new user in the current institutionpostDisable a user in the current institutionpostUser's Companies ManagementList of companiesgetCreate a new companypostRetrieve particular companygetUpdate of particular companyputPartial update of particular companypatchRetrieve the balance of a companygetChoose Kleinunternehmer status for a companypostRetrieve the current logged user's informationgetUpdate the current logged user's informationpostRestore a disabled user in the current institutionpostExpire tokens and log outgetExpire tokens and log outpostRefresh an access tokenpostLogin a user and retrieve tokenspostVerify an access tokenpostSelf-Employment RegistrationCreate a new tax registrationpostUpdate a direct tax registrationputPartial update a direct tax registrationpatchReceive a test report for the tax registrationpostMake submission for the tax registration. On production, it makes submission to the ElsterpostChecks if the report is submittedgetRetrieve a tax registrationgetEmbedded Tax FilingTax APIList of available submitted reports for the institutiongetCreate a tax report for a specific institutionpostGet a particular submitted report for the institutiongetCheck Tax NumberpostList of reportsgetAI Evaluate Tax ScorepostRetrieve a reportgetUpdate a reportputPartial update report datapatchGenerate a test preview for the reportpostSubmit the reportpostList of tax statesgetList of tax settings of the companygetRetrieve particular tax settings of the companygetUpdate a tax settingputPartial update a tax settingpatchList of annual trade reportsgetRetrieve an annual trade reportgetUpdate an annual trade reportputPartial update report datapatchGenerate a test preview for the reportpostGet trade tax ratepostSubmit the reportpostList of reportsgetRetrieve a reportgetUpdate a reportputPartial update report datapatchGenerate a test preview for the reportpostSubmit the reportpostRetrieve the company tax statisticgetUpdate the report history for a companypostUpload an annual payslip for a company to extract the data from it and fill in the PITpostRetrieve the VAT next report amountgetRemove a transactiondelete https://api.norman.finance/api/v1/companies/{companyPk}/accounting/transactions/{publicId}/Remove a transaction for the company